The Woman On the Label

Born in Lebanon and educated in American Schools, Rihab ("Ree-HAAB") worked as a computer programmer for Kodak - a far cry from what she is doing now!

Rihab opened her restaurant, au Bon appétit, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1991. She has always loved food and cooking, so she used her logical approach as a computer programmer to update family recipes, lowering fat content without sacrificing taste (Rihab uses only fresh ingredients and most of her cuisine is vegetarian).

Rihab's food was an instant hit, and she is always the first to point out that her success is due to her American public (She gets tears in her eyes when she speaks about how wonderful America has been to her). Au Bon appétit has been on Milwaukee's top 25 restaurants for 4 years in a row. “Guests” (not customers) come from all over to enjoy Rihab's cooking, and her recipes have appeared in numerous magazines across the country.

Catering added another successful dimension to her business, but Rihab did not stop there. She went on to supply delicatessens and supermarkets with her products. Thus far, she offers (under her own label, made with all-fresh ingredients):

  • hummos dip
    (made with chic peas, sesame seed paste, garlic, and seasonings)
  • baba ghannouj
    (a dip made of eggplant, sesame seed paste, garlic, and seasonings)
  • tabbouleh
    (a salad made with parsley, tomatoes, bulgar wheat, onion, olive oil, and seasonings)

Consumers response to these foods has been overwhelming. A number of supermarkets and delis have replaced other brands of similar products with Rihab's, because customers recognize and demand better quality. As American interest in fresh, wholesome food continues to increase, Rihab is looking for new ways to bring more of her products to the American public.

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